
You have a story that needs to be told but would like professional advice on how best to engage your audience.

Our team will work with you to envision the final product based on your requirements.

The editor will then set the direction, working with the writer and designer to create something stylish and impactful.

While the writer brings life to the story, the designer shapes it visually.

The sub-editor checks that the final product is reader-friendly and that there are no factual, spelling or grammatical errors.

The production manager works with the printer to bring out a high quality product.

What better way to record
your family history than with
a Heritage Book?

The team at OPUS will make your book a precious memento that will last for generations. We outline your family tree, restore your old family photographs, write the stories behind each one and present them in a hardbound book with as many copies as you need. A Heritage Book is much more than a photograph album
– it is shaped by your memories and your loving tributes.